NAPFA 2023年秋季全国会议发言人



史蒂文·西格尔是西格尔集团的总裁, 哪家公司为律师提供咨询服务, 会计师, 企业主, 家族理财室, 还有理财规划师. 该集团总部位于新泽西州莫里斯敦,在美国各地提供服务. 西格尔是许多书的作者, including: The Grantor Trust Answer Book (2020 Leimberg Information Systems); The Adviser’s Guide to Financial and Estate Planning (AICPA 2022); Federal Fiduciary Income Taxation (Foxmoor 2020); Understanding the Federal Gift Tax (Leimberg Information Systems (2021); Federal Estate and Gift Tax (Foxmoor 2016)). 他是信托和遗产的所得税(卡罗莱纳出版社2020)的合著者。. 他与Richard Oshins, Esq. 《365bet线上盘口app官网》,《365bet线上盘口app官网》杂志,2016年1月和2月. 与此同时,他还为国家法律基金会举办了许多税务规划讲座, Siegel has prepared extensive lecture materials on the following subjects: Planning for An Aging Population; Business Entities: Start to Finish; Preparing the Audit-Proof Federal Estate Tax Return; Business Acquisitions: Representing Buyers and Sellers in the Sale of a Business; Dynasty Trusts; Planning with Intentionally-Defective Grantor Trusts, Introduction to Estate Planning; Intermediate-Sized Estate Planning; Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid: Explanation and Planning Strategies; Subchapter S Corporations: Using Trusts as Shareholders; Divorce and Separation: Important Tax Planning Issues; The Portability Election; and other titles. 他目前是阿拉巴马大学研究生税务项目(LLM)的兼职法学教授(教授信托和遗产的所得税),并曾担任西顿霍尔和罗格斯大学法学院的兼职法学教授.西格尔持有乔治城大学(Georgetown University)的学士学位(以优异成绩获得), Phi beta kappa), 哈佛法学院的法学博士, 获得纽约大学法学院税务法学硕士学位.